Ok, time to get a
little more technical and I guess quite a bit more nit-picky. Before I begin I
will just say that I have completed jobs in the industry as a production guy
and as a BIM manager at first including Gyp Board modeled in walls and then
acquiescing and going without. What I have found for myself seems to go against
the grain of how most firms I see using Revit model walls.
I am a recovering
Gyp Board modeler. Its known on the streets as "sheet rock",
"Gypsum", "GB", "white wall candy". Well I am off it and I am not looking back.
Ok, now lets take a look back.
In the early days of
BIM it was cool to see what you could model, the possibilities were endless,
base board, casework section information, roof drains, 3/4" reveals. Then,
the realities of system performance and general practicality sunk in. To model
the minute means to over-embellish the overall.
Gyp board seemed
acceptable, I mean what if I want to do a material takeoff of all the gyp board
on my model? I had core boundaries if I wanted to dimension to the stud face so
that worked, everything was great. These were the salad days.
Unfortunately, these
days were short lived as the workload that needed to be undertaken to realize
this dream was, well… realized. It forced me to make many more wall types and
take what should be a very simple and repetitive area of the floor plan to model
and turn it into something far more complex. And for what?
What about when gyp
board stops above the ceiling but the wall structure keeps going? Are we really
unlocking the gyp board layers and modifying that everywhere, not just the
documentation views? Its no wonder firms want to up their fees, its no wonder there
is significant concern over modeling scope and budgeting hours. What about when
the model changes? Too much work for too little benefit.
The data is what's
important: Type Marks, Partition Type Legends, Fire Rating, detailed
views. How could an estimator
effectively use your model without gyp board? Easy, they probably weren't using
it in the first place. Linear feet of wall, Areas and Heights of rooms, these
are the limitless possibilities chosen by the people that most directly benefit
from your modeling workload.
I've been gyp board
free for 3 years now and I can't tell you how good I feel. Join me.