High Definition 3D Laser Scanning. Tools have emerged that allow us to visualize and vectorize (I added that word to my dictionary) a point cloud in Revit. I think there is a lot of confusion regarding this technology train wreck and I thought I would throw some gasoline on the fire.
To scan is not to
model; those are 2 extremely different plateaus of work. Many scanning
providers are looking to expand their services by delivering not only the scan,
but the delivery of a model and some cases an intelligent (read: Revit) model.
In an effort to ramble as little as possible, here are a few points and
technology reviews about scanning and BIM.
Point 1: A scan, all by itself, can be of
great value for capturing existing conditions for coordination and
communication purposes. If there is not good reason to add the complexity of a
model, don’t.
Point 2: Users modeling in Revit from a scan
have to be very good with Revit.
Point 3: There is NO one tool that delivers the ability to visualize and vectorize a
point cloud into a building information model, but a series of tools that have
unique functionality.
Point 4: Point
clouds are really complex and not right for many situations, this is not an
area of a project you want to square-peg- round-hole it. Get it wrong and
you'll way over-promise.
Autodesk's PCG file format - Not enough visual
options, can snap to points as you draw in Revit
Leica Cloudworx for Revit - Uses IMP file to
store and manage database. Lots of visualization options, managing clipping
plane functionality is awesome and makes this an essential tool for working
with point clouds of any format
(as long as you can
get it into Leica's database). Pipe tools are really fast and accurate.
IMAGINiT Scan to BIM - Wall Region Grow anyone?
Its awesome, and nothing touches it from an architectural modeling standpoint.
From an MEP side, round and rectangular duct. Oh, and did I mention that it
works on Leica point cloud databases? As essential as a modeling tool as
Cloudworx is essential a visualization tool.
Autodesk Labs Feature Extraction - This one is
clearly a technology preview, not done cooking yet. It does work with the Leica
point Clouds and has an extremely promising building footprint tool.
At IMAGINiT we have
great partnerships with Autodesk and Leica as well as a very talented internal
software development team (part of our parent company Rand Worldwide). In other
words, We have many more experts and opinions on BIM and 3D HDS, inquire within.
this is most intelligent technology.